Centro de Ayuda Humanitaria a Migrantes, Chahuites, Oaxaca

Centro de Ayuda Humanitaria a Migrantes is a secular shelter for migrants located in Chahuites, Oaxaca, a town near the border of Chiapas. It is led by Irineo Mujica Alzarte and run with the help of volunteers, members of the community, and migrants. It strives to help Central American migrants by providing lodging, food, medical care, counseling, legal help, and information about the dangers of the migratory route in order to reduce their vulnerability.

Learn more at: https://centrodeayudahumanitariachahuites.mex.tl/

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Interview with Irineo Mujica Alzarte, director of Centro de Ayuda Humanitaria a Migrantes.